Do you want to invest in global companies like Amazon, Facebook, Google, Visa from US markets or AstraZeneca from UK or China Gas Holdings from China? If yes, then Kotak Mutual Fund has launched its Kotak Global Innovation Fund of Funds which is open from 8th July 2021 to 22nd July 2021. Which will invest in the Wellington Global Innovation Fund, an existing equity fund that invests in global innovation companies around the world.
Investment Objective :
The investment objective of the scheme is to provide long-term capital appreciation by investing in units of Wellington Global Innovation Fund or any other similar overseas mutual fund schemes/ETFs.
The Scheme may, at the discretion of the Investment Manager, also invest in the units/ shares of any other similar overseas mutual fund schemes/ETFs.
It shall be noted ‘similar overseas mutual fund schemes/ETFs’ shall have investment objective, investment strategy, asset allocation and risk profile/consideration similar to those of Wellington Global Innovation Fund.
However, there is no assurance that the investment objective of the Scheme will be realized
Benchmark Index : MSCI All Country World Index TRI
How will the scheme allocate its assets?
The asset allocation under the Scheme, under normal circumstances, will be as follows:

#It shall be noted ‘similar overseas mutual fund schemes/ETFs’ shall have investment objective, investment strategy, asset allocation and risk profile/consideration similar to those of Wellington Global Innovation Fund.
List of “similar overseas mutual fund schemes/ETFs”:
The scheme may invest in any (but not exclusively) in the below indicative list of offshore ETFs:
• iShares Exponential Technologies ETF
• BMO MSCI Innovation ETF *Money Market instruments includes commercial papers, commercial bills, treasury bills, Government securities having an unexpired maturity up to one year, call or notice money, certificate of deposit, usance bills, and any other like instruments as specified by the Reserve Bank of India from time to time.
Where does the underlying fund invests?
Wellington Global Innovation Fund (underlying fund) is currently investing in the following top 15 stocks /sectors.

Performance of existing underlying fund
Let me provide you underlying fund performance (Wellington Global Innovation Fund) since inception of 2017 onwards.

Fund Manager: Mr. Arjun Khanna
Taxation: Returns from this fund would be like debt funds taxation.
Suitability : This product is suitable for investors who are seeking*
Long-term capital growth
Investment in units of Wellington Global Innovation Fund or any other similar overseas mutual fund schemes/ ETFs.